Role Mapping

Learn more about mapping Discord roles in Sonoran CMS!

Mapping Discord Roles and CMS Ranks

In the Administration panel of the CMS, navigate to Integrations > Discord > Role Mapping

Here, you can configure your CMS x Discord Mappings.

Example Mapping

Use Case:

  1. I want to grant each administrative rank in the CMS (moderator, admin, etc.) an associated Discord role (moderator, admin, etc.).

  2. I also want everyone who has one of those administrative ranks to also have the general Staff Discord role.



  1. Create a mapping from every administrative rank in the CMS (moderator, admin, etc.) to the Staff Discord role:

  • This grants the Staff Discord role if the user has either the Admin, Moderator, Super Admin, or Manager CMS rank(s).

⬅️➡️ Mapping

  1. Create a mapping for each administrative rank to its associated Discord role:

  • Sync the Admin CMS rank with the Admin Discord role.

  • Sync the Moderator CMS rank with the Moderator Discord role.

  • Sync the Super Admin CMS rank with the Super Admin Discord role.

  • Sync the Manager CMS rank with the Manager Discord role.

Note: I do NOT add the Staff Discord role to every ⬅️➡️ mapping, as granting the user the Staff Discord role would then grant every remaining administrative rank to the user. Remember, if a user has any piece to a ⬅️➡️ mapping they will receive the entire mapping.

Syncing the Role Map

After modifying the mapping, your community will automatically be re-synced. This may take a couple of minutes to complete.

While changes are automatic, you can also manually re-sync users with the /sync command.

Setting the flag community to Yes will sync your entire community including any linked guilds. Setting it to no or running /sync by itself will only sync the server you run it in.

Last updated